Source code for pygenesig.mcp_counter

`MCPCounter`_ is a method described by Becht et al., Genome Biology (2015)
for deconvolution of tissue-infiltrating immune and stromal cell populations.

Besides presenting a method for gene-expression based deconvolution they put a
lot of effort into curating signatures.

This module

* re-implements MCP counter in python as SignatureTester
* implements a SignatureGenerator based on the MCP method for curating signatures.

.. _MCPCounter:

from pygenesig.validation import SignatureGenerator, SignatureTester
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

[docs]def fold_change(expr, positive_mask): """ Compute the fold change between the positive and negative samples for a single gene `G`. According to `Becht et al.`_ the fold change is defined as .. math:: FC = X - \overline{X} where :math:`X` is the mean of positive and :math:`\overline{X}` is the mean of the negative samples. Args: expr (np.ndarray): expression of `G` for each sample. positive_mask (np.ndarray, dtype=np.bool): boolean mask for `expr` indicating which samples belong to the positive class. Returns: float: fold change >>> expr = np.array([[2, 3, 5, 4, 9, 15]]) >>> target = np.array(["A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"]) >>> fold_change(expr, target == "A") array([-5.]) .. _Becht et al.: """ return np.mean(expr[:, positive_mask], axis=1) - np.mean( expr[:, ~positive_mask], axis=1 )
[docs]def specific_fold_change(expr, positive_mask, negative_masks): """ Compute the specific fold change of the positive class with respect to all other classes for a single gene `G`. According to `Becht et al.`_ the specific fold change is defined as .. math:: sFC = (X - \overline{X}_{min})/(\overline{X}_{max} - \overline{X}_{min}) where :math:`X` is the mean of positive and :math:`\overline{X}_{max}` is the maximum mean over all negative classes and :math:`\overline{X}_{min}` is the minimal mean over all negative classes. Args: expr (np.ndarray): expression of `G` for each sample. positive_mask (np.ndarray): boolean mask for `expr` indicating which samples belong to the positive class. negative_masks (list of np.ndarray): list of boolean masks for `expr` indicating which samples belong to the different negative classes. Returns: float: specific fold change >>> expr = np.array([[2, 3, 5, 4, 9, 15], [2, 3, 5, 4, 9, 15]]) >>> target = np.array(["A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"]) >>> specific_fold_change(expr, target == 'A', [target == "B", target == "C"]) array([-0.75, -0.75]) .. _Becht et al.: """ mean_per_class = np.hstack( [ np.mean(expr[:, class_inds], axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for class_inds in negative_masks ] ) x_min = np.min(mean_per_class, axis=1) x_max = np.max(mean_per_class, axis=1) return np.divide(np.mean(expr[:, positive_mask], axis=1) - x_min, x_max - x_min)
[docs]def roc_auc(expr, positive_mask): """ Compute the Receiver Operator Characteristics Area under the Curve (ROC AUC) for a single gene `G`. This tells how well the gene discriminates between the two classes. This is a wrapper for the scikit-learn `roc_auc_score`_ function. Args: expr (np.ndarray): expression of `G` for each sample. positive_mask (np.ndarray, dtype=np.bool): boolean mask for `expr` indicating which samples belong to the positive class. Returns: float: roc auc score .. _roc_auc_score: >>> expr = np.array([2, 3, 5, 4, 9, 15]) >>> target = np.array(["A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"]) >>> roc_auc(expr, target == "A") 0.125 """ return roc_auc_score(positive_mask, expr)
[docs]class MCPSignatureGenerator(SignatureGenerator): """ Implements the procedure described by `Becht et al.`_ for curating signatures. A gene is considered a valid `Transcription Marker` (TM) if it meets the following criteria * fold change >= ``min_fc`` (default=2) * specific fold change >= ``min_sfc`` (default=1.5) * AUC ROC >= ``min_auc`` (default=0.97) Args: expr: m x n gene expression matrix with m genes and n samples. target: m-vector with true tissue for each sample min_fc: minimal fold change for a gene to be considered as valid TM min_sfc: minimal specific fold change for a gene to be considered as valid TM min_auc: minimal ROC AUC for a gene to be considered as valid TM .. _Becht et al.: """ def __init__(self, expr, target, min_fc=2, min_sfc=1.5, min_auc=0.97): super().__init__(expr, target) self.min_fc = min_fc self.min_sfc = min_sfc self.min_auc = min_auc def _mk_signatures(self, expr, target): classes = list(set(target)) masks = {cls: target == cls for cls in classes} signatures = {cls: [] for cls in classes} for cls in classes: fc = fold_change(expr, masks[cls]) sfc = specific_fold_change( expr, masks[cls], [mask for k, mask in masks.items() if k != cls] ) for i in range(expr.shape[0]): auc = roc_auc(expr[i, :], masks[cls]) if ( fc[i] >= self.min_fc and sfc[i] >= self.min_sfc and auc >= self.min_auc ): signatures[cls].append(i) return signatures
[docs]class MCPSignatureTester(SignatureTester): """ Implements the `MCPCounter`_ described by Becht et al. in python. The principle is super-simple: take the mean of all marker genes as indicator. Also see their `R script`_. .. _R script: """ def _score_signatures(self, expr, signatures): result = np.empty((len(signatures), expr.shape[1])) classes = self.sort_signatures(signatures) for i, cls in enumerate(classes): inds = np.array(list(signatures[cls])) for j in range(expr.shape[1]): result[i, j] = np.mean(expr[inds, j]) if len(inds) > 0 else np.NAN return result