Prepare data

For creating signatures

For creating signatures, we essentially need two pieces of information:

  • The gene expression data and

  • the target annotation (e.g. tissue).

Depending on the method, we may need additional covariates, but let’s focus on the simple case here:

Gene expression matrix

A \(m \times n\) gene expression matrix with \(m\) genes and \(n\) samples. Depending on the method you may want to use either TPM/RPKM or raw counts. The expr object needs to be a 2d numpy.array.

pygenesig provides functions to read the standardized gct format into a gene expression matrix:

from pygenesig.file_formats import read_gct
expr = read_gct('expression.gct')

You can also come up with your own methods for reading the expression data, which can be useful if you use different formats. Here, we achive the same using pandas:

import pandas as pd
gct = pd.read_csv("expression.gct", sep="\t", skiprows=2, index_col=0)
# the first column contains the description, which we do not want to include in the matrix.
expr = gct.iloc[:, 1:].values

You may want to save the matrix for later use:

from pygenesig.file_formats import write_expr, read_expr
write_expr(expr, "exprssion_matrix.npy")

# later, read it with
expr = read_expr("expression_matrix.npy")

Target annotation

A numpy.array of length \(n\) containing the target classes for each sample in the gene expression matrix. The annotation needs to be in the same order as the columns in the matrix.

Say, you have a tab-separated file containin meta information for each sample:

id  tissue  gender
1   adipose male
2   adipose female
3   colon   female

You can again use pandas to extract the target annotation:

import pandas as pd
from pygenesig.file_formats import write_target
pheno_data = pd.read_csv("meta.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)
target = pheno_data.tissue.values
write_target(target, "target.txt")


Make sure that

  • the number of columns in the gene expression matrix equals the length of the target annotation array. You can check that with expr.shape[1] == target.shape[0]

  • the elements in target are in the same order as the columns in exprs

For testing signatures

For testing signatures, we again need the target annotation as ground truth. Additionally we need to provide the signatures we want to test.

Signature Dictionary

Signatures are represented as a simple dictionary, mapping the signature name to a list of genes. A gene is represented by it’s row-index in the gene expression matrix:

signatures = {
    'adipose tissue' : [
        ... ],
    'skeletal muscle' : [
        ... ],

If you use pygenesig for generating the signatures, you will get such a dictionary by default.

However, the indices are not meaningful outside the context of pygenesig, therefore you probably want to change them to something meaningful (e.g. gene symbols) instead before you export them as gmt file for further use in other software.

This is accomplished using a “rosetta file”, containing one gene identifier per line in the same order as the rows in the gene expression matrix:


from pygenesig.file_formats import read_rosetta, write_gmt
from import translate_signatures
rosetta = read_rosetta('rosetta.txt')
signatures_symbol = translate_signatures(signatures, rosetta)

# export as gmt
write_gmt(signatures_symbol, 'my_signatures.gmt')

Reading .gmt files.

This also works in the other direction: You can read gene signatures in gmt format into a signature dictionary. Now the signature is gene-symbol based and we need to translate it into the index-based representation for use within pygenesig

from pygenesig.file_formats import read_gmt
signatures = read_gmt("my_signatures.gmt")
    'adipose tissue' : [
        ... ],
    'skeletal muscle' : [
        ... ],
from pygenesig.file_formats import read_rosetta
from import translate_signatures

rosetta_inv = read_rosetta('rosetta.txt', inverse=True)
signatures_ind = translate_signatures(signatures, rosetta_inv)